Washington D.C.

Recently (sort of…March), Cody and I went to DC. His aunt was going to be in town from California and we decided to drive in and meet her. The weekend we went happened to be in the middle of the cherry blossom festival, so I planned and fretted over the CROWDS and the TRAFFIC, and made sure we left the house by seven a.m. and when we got there the whole city was a ghost town. I felt a little silly.

Washington DC Eastern Market and the Capital Building

With plenty of time to kill before dinner with the auntie, we decided to hoof it over to eastern market. Eastern market is some kind of required pilgrimage for the food-obsessed visiting the capitol. It was pretty cool with a small, but well-edited selection of fresh produce, meat, cheese, baked goodies, and nick-knacks. I had fun ogling all the varieties of bacon. There was also an entire stand dedicated to pickles and one dedicated to crepes.

Eastern Market Meats

Despite the fact that I had just had breakfast at starbucks, (a bacon and egg sandwich) I indulged my inner hobbit and made a “second breakfast” of a crepe with ham, apples, maple syrup, and muenster cheese. I do not regret it.

Eastern Market Crepes

After making a pig of myself, we hit the museums. I saw an original Gutenberg bible at the Library of Congress and we visited the iconic elephant at the natural history museum.

The Smithsonian Museum

Then we ate lunch at the air and space museum. It was hellish. We chose that location out of desperation. The crowd was massive, mostly comprised of adolescents, and cranky. There was nowhere to sit (we stood), and I saw three separate people spill soda on the carpeted floors. Carpeted floors in a food court is a horrible idea. When you go to DC, avoid the air and space museum at lunch time. It’s a great place, but not for food.


We had the most fun at the American History museum, due to the fact that there are many mannequins. That’s me being creepy with a mannequin on the right. There was also lots of movie memorabilia. I was disappointed to find out that the belly of C3PO’s suit was just a thermal shirt.

Michelangelo Ninja Turtle

We also stopped to admire a Michelangelo. It was radical.

  1. man, there is so much to do in DC! I love the pictures. especially this last HUGE one of michelangelo.

    Miranda — May 29, 2011
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  2. Thanks for reminding me that we"re overdue for a trip to dc. Have you been to the Reading Terminal Mkt. in Philly? Go.

    kim p — May 29, 2011
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  3. we live just up the street from eastern market! it does not get old for me (except when it's too hot or too cold for the outside market). next time you come out we should meet up :)

    hannah — May 29, 2011
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  4. Kim, I haven't been to the one in Philly, but I love markets of all kinds so I'll definitely have to check out Reading Terminal Market. Hannah, I'm jealous that you get to live in the city. Next time I plan a trip there we'll let you know so we can hang out. Also, your blog is adorable and you and Robbie are the cutest.

    courtney — May 30, 2011
    1. reply
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