Gratuitous Puppy Post

I have a dog. He looks like this.

Murdock Tennyson Buell

His name is Murdock.

Sometimes I like to remember what he looked like when we first brought him home.

Murdock Tennyson Buell

Then I remember how sharp his teeth were, how he didn’t know what he was allowed to bite, how he didn’t know where he was allowed to poop, and how he didn’t know how to sleep through the night.

A Wrinkly Murdock Tennyson Buell

I guess it’s a fair trade.

Murdock Tennyson Buell Snoozing

  1. these pictures capture his adorable personality. I miss that little booger

    Caroline — April 1, 2011
    1. reply
  2. Extra skin

    Amy — April 1, 2011
    1. reply
  3. I need him. I need you more though.

    Ashlee — April 4, 2011
    1. reply
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